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library for blind


1.8300 braille social science,natural science and audio books

2. computer for the blind to surf the internet.

3. specially-made braille book list for the blind to search.

4.braille special bibliography for the blind readers to know  at home the braille books collection of the  library


5.walk-in card making,telephone counseling,book lending on the phone,sending book to door,book mailing service and so on.


hunan genealogy searching service

there are almost 300 clans of genealogy books, more than 6000 sets and 60 thousand books of hunan province. it is a national cultural institution which has the biggest collection of genealogy books, most of which are properly kept and and used most variously.

( 86 731)84174006

microfilm technology service

a member of national library collections copy and miniature center. miniatures contain newspapesr,ancient books,journals and genealogy books. readers can search the catalogue for certain library collected miniatures.

( 86 731)84174005

united online consultation service is a public reference service,which is offered by hunan literature information resources co-construction and sharing collaboration net for all users.

2.there are 11 member units,14 public library reference service members, 20 united online consultation service units from the collaboration net.

3.aiming at making full use of the literature information resources and human resources of all member units,offering users free online reference consultation service with consultants of each member units.

( 86 731)84174002

local literature service

1. local literature catalog search

2.local literature research papers database

3.hunan local literature discussion

4.personages in huxiang

5.hunan genealogy

6.local history

7.local yearbook

8. offering services of  reading,consultation,special literature search and literature scan and copy.

( 86 731)84174142




project information service,party and government organization information service

offering information service for the scientific research, offering decision service for the communist party and government organization.

( 86 731)84174126

antiquarian books recovery service


( 86 731)84174156


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